Fall into new features from Vicinity

Our Q3 release is out and it’s got all the good stuff!

As we are all settling in for the home stretch to January 2021 (bye, bye 2020), our development team has been heads down adding the latest features and functionality available to our Vicinity customers.

As a formula manufacturing software system that accommodates the complexities of batch processing, Vicinity’s scalability makes it a top choice among chemical manufacturers, food producers and brewers. It Integrates easily with key platforms—including QuickBooks or Microsoft Dynamics—to deliver a comprehensive software solution that grows with your business.

As a customer of Vicinity Software, you always receive ongoing support: 

  • Access to training videos, blogs and release guides
  • The ability to chat one-on-one with our consultants and technical services team members who are all located in the US and ready to help

Dive into the latest highlights from this quarterly release:

Product structure copy

Product Structure Copy is a new Product Development feature. It is used to create a new product based on the multi-level structure of an existing product and change the new product structure before the new product is created. It greatly reduces the number of steps required to create a new multi-level product based on an existing product structure.
Watch our How to video here. 

Batch quality inquiry

Batch Quality Inquiry is a new Quality feature that displays all quality samples and QC tests for a batch, for lot tracked components produced by a batch, and for lot tracked components consumed by a batch. It performs a multi-level inquiry and displays quality sample information for all batches that produce lot tracked ingredients that are consumed by the parent batch.

Watch our video overview here.

Create batch from trial

The Project Entry window has been enhanced to support creating a batch directly from a trial. Since a trial no longer needs to be saved to a formula before it can be manufactured, the process of creating test or possibly customer-specific sample batches is greatly simplified.
Check out this video for more.

Forecast import

Forecast Import is a new feature that populates the Vicinity Forecast table directly from an Excel spreadsheet. It can also create an empty Excel “template” file that is ready to be populated either manually or with your forecasting tool and then imported into Vicinity.

Check out this video for more information.

Lot trace inquiry

The Lot Trace Inquiry window has been enhanced to support drillbacks to the Batch Entry window. This greatly speeds navigation to the subject batch.

Database level business rules

Business rules can now be defined to run before and after updates to the following Vicinity entities:

  • Components
  • Formulas
  • Batches
  • Quality Samples

Business rules are defined via database stored procedures that are run before and after changes to a Vicinity entity are committed to the database. An example of a business rule might be validation or enforcement of a field before saving.

VicinityView search enhancements

VicinityView has been enhanced to support additional search options for dates:

  • Beginning of Current Year
  • End of Current Year
  • Beginning of Prior Month
  • End of Prior Month
  • Yesterday
  • Current Date +/- Days

In addition, a Does Not Contain search option has been added to text searches.


New in January 2020, EasyPlus Subscription changed to allow you to upgrade easier and more often throughout the year. Our yearly subscription pays for the upgrade of an existing server and rollout to workstations for each of the quarterly upgrades, scheduled at your convenience. New enhancements are released each quarter ensuring your software is always moving forward.

Contact Beth Manley to sign up today to take advantage of the latest software developments!

If you are not a customer of Vicinity Software, contact us today for a demo and to learn more about how we can support your business.